Rapid Risk Factor Surveillance System (RRFSS)
The Institute for Social Research at York University houses the largest university- based survey research centre in Canada. RRFSS partners with the ISR to conduct the RRFSS on behalf of Member health organizations. The survey is conducted by ISR trained interviewers on resident’s landline and cell phones using computer assisted telephone interviewing (CATI) technology. Interviews are done with adults 18 years and older (16 years and older on request by Members) residing in households sampled through random digit dialling (RDD). Topics covered during the interview include risk behaviours and knowledge, attitudes and awareness about health-related topics of importance to public health. In addition to contracted data collection services, ISR also provides many in-kind supports to RRFSS Members including sharing their expertise in survey design, methodology and analysis.
RRFSS also partners with the Association of Local Public Health Agencies (alPHa) to support RRFSS in the coordination of activities among its Members. Specifically, the Association employs the RRFSS Coordinator, covering him/her by alPHa policies and procedures including Workplace Safety (WSIB) and commercial general liability insurance. As well, it collects, holds and tracks monies from RRFSS Members and other parties, and makes payments on behalf of RRFSS, as directed by the Coordinator and/or RRFSS Steering Group.