RRFSS E-News: Spring 2019
Health Unit Spotlight: Grey Bruce
The Grey Bruce Health Unit has been part of RRFSS most years since 2002. Over the years RRFSS has provided local data to gauge:
support for smoke-free bars & restaurants
support for smoke-free public spaces
radon awareness
climate change awareness
oral health
dental insurance, and more...
RRFSS data helps guide public health programs, services and health promotion campaigns at many health units, including Grey Bruce. Grey Bruce has used RRFSS modules to identify things like knowledge change by collecting data before and after a health promotion campaign. They also use RRFSS to track trends over time. Through participation in RRFSS module creation and review committees, workgroups, and advisory committees, GBHU has partnered with other health units to collaboratively guide RRFSS over time.
RRFSS is currently collecting information on cannabis!
The legalization of cannabis is adding a new challenge to communities and heath units need to respond to these community challenges by addressing health needs risks. To do this, health units should be more informed by gathering community information and monitoring health behaviours. RRFSS provides this information with many modules and questions on Cannabis, including...
Cannabis Use
Impact of Legislation
Cannabis and Tobacco
Exposure to Environmental Cannabis Smoke
Marijuana Health Effects- Young Adults
Marijuana Health Effects - Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
Marijuana Policy
Not only does RRFSS survey the adult population but we also can collect data from 16 and 17-year-olds as well. There is also the option to over sample the under 30-year-old population -a key group of the population more at risk from cannabis use than older adults.
Did you know RRFSS...
is a dual-frame survey including both landline and cell phone samples as standard data collection protocol.
allows members to survey areas that other regularly available surveys do not, including small areas or neighbourhoods down to six-digit postal codes.
has over 300 modules including these new ones:
Opioid Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
Pertussis Immunization
Social cohesion
Social media
Sugar sweetened beverages consumption